Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Victor Calderon
# Created      : 2018-05-17
# Last Modified: 2018-05-31
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__author__     = ['Victor Calderon']
__copyright__  = ["Copyright 2018 Victor Calderon"]
__email__      = ['']
__maintainer__ = ['Victor Calderon']
__all__        = ["data_preprocessing",

# Importing modules
import scipy

import numpy as np

from cosmo_utils.utils import file_utils as fd
from cosmo_utils.utils import gen_utils as gu
from cosmo_utils.custom_exceptions import LSSUtils_Error

# ML modules
import sklearn.metrics          as skmetrics
import sklearn.model_selection  as skms
import sklearn.preprocessing    as skpre

# Extra modules

## Functions

# Data preprocessing
[docs]def data_preprocessing(feat_arr, pre_opt='min_max', reshape=False): """ Preprocess the data used, in order to clean and make the data more suitable for the machine learning algorithms Parameters ----------- feat_arr : `numpy.ndarray` Array of feature values. This array is used for training a ML algorithm. pre_opt : {'min_max', 'standard', 'normalize', 'no'} `str`, optional Type of preprocessing to do on `feat_arr`. Options: - 'min_max' : Turns `feat_arr` to values between (0,1) - 'standard' : Uses `~sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler` method - 'normalize' : Uses the `~sklearn.preprocessing.Normalizer` method - 'no' : No preprocessing on `feat_arr` reshape : `bool`, optional If True, it reshapes `feat_arr` into a 1d array if its shapes is equal to (ncols, 1), where `ncols` is the number of columns. This variable is set to `False` by default. Returns ----------- feat_arr_scaled : `numpy.ndarray` Rescaled version of `feat_arr` based on the choice of `pre_opt`. Notes ----------- For more information on how to pre-process your data, see ``_. """ file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__) ## Checking input parameters # `feat_arr` feat_arr_type_valid = (list, np.ndarray) if not (isinstance(feat_arr, feat_arr_type_valid)): msg = '{0} `feat_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format( file_msg, type(feat_arr)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `pre_opt` pre_opt_valid = ['min_max', 'standard', 'normalize', 'no'] if not (pre_opt in pre_opt_valid): msg = '{0} `pre_opt` ({1}) is not a valid input'.format( file_msg, pre_opt) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) ## ## Reshaping `feat_arr` if reshape: feat_arr = gu.reshape_arr_1d(feat_arr) ## ## Scaling `feat_arr` if (pre_opt == 'min_max'): # Scaler scaler = skpre.MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1)) # Rescaling feat_arr_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(feat_arr) ## Standardize Data if pre_opt == 'standard': # Scaler scaler = skpre.StandardScaler().fit(feat_arr) # Rescaling feat_arr_scaled = scaler.transform(feat_arr) ## Normalize Data if pre_opt == 'normalize': # Scaler scaler = skpre.Normalizer().fit(feat_arr) # Rescaling feat_arr_scaled = scaler.transform(feat_arr) ## No Preprocessing if pre_opt == 'no': feat_arr_scaled = feat_arr return feat_arr_scaled
# Train-Test Data Split
[docs]def train_test_dataset(pred_arr, feat_arr, pre_opt='min_max', shuffle_opt=True, random_state=0, test_size=0.25, reshape=False): """ Function to create the training and testing datasets for a given set of features array and predicted array. Parameters ----------- pred_arr : `numpy.ndarray` or array-like, shape (n_samples, n_outcomes) Array consisting of the `predicted values`. The dimensions of `pred_arr` are `n_samples` by `n_outcomes`, where `n_samples` is the number of observations, and `n_outcomes` the number of predicted outcomes. feat_arr : `numpy.ndarray` or array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Array consisting of the `predicted values`. The dimensions of `feat_arr` are `n_samples` by `n_features`, where `n_samples` is the number of observations, and `n_features` the number of features used. pre_opt : {'min_max', 'standard', 'normalize', 'no'} `str`, optional Type of preprocessing to do on `feat_arr`. Options: - 'min_max' : Turns `feat_arr` to values between (0,1) - 'standard' : Uses `sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler` method - 'normalize' : Uses the `sklearn.preprocessing.Normalizer` method - 'no' : No preprocessing on `feat_arr` shuffle_opt : `bool`, optional If True, the data is shuffled before splitting into testing and training datasets. This variable is set to True by default. random_state : int, optional Random state number used for when splitting into training and testing datasets. If set, it will always have the same seed `random_state`. This variable is set to `0` by default. test_size : float, optional Percentage of the catalogue that represents the `test` size of the testing dataset. This variable must be between (0,1). This variable is set to `0.25` by default. reshape : `bool`, optional If True, it reshapes `feat_arr` into a 1d array if its shapes is equal to (ncols, 1), where `ncols` is the number of columns. This variable is set to `False` by default. Returns ----------- train_dict : `dict` Dictionary containing the `training` data from the catalogue. test_dict : `dict` Dictionary containing the `testing` data from the catalogue. See also ----------- data_preprocessing : Function to preprocess a dataset. """ file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__) ## Checking input parameters # `pred_arr` pred_arr_type_valid = (list, np.ndarray) if not (isinstance(pred_arr, pred_arr_type_valid)): msg = '{0} `pred_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format( file_msg, type(pred_arr)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `feat_arr` feat_arr_type_valid = (list, np.ndarray) if not (isinstance(feat_arr, feat_arr_type_valid)): msg = '{0} `feat_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format( file_msg, type(feat_arr)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `pre_opt` pre_opt_valid = ['min_max', 'standard', 'normalize', 'no'] if not (pre_opt in pre_opt_valid): msg = '{0} `pre_opt` ({1}) is not a valid input'.format( file_msg, pre_opt) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `shuffle_opt` shuffle_opt_type_valid = (bool) if not (isinstance(shuffle_opt, shuffle_opt_type_valid)): msg = '{0} `shuffle_opt` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format( file_msg, type(shuffle_opt)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `random_state` random_state_type_valid = (int) if not (isinstance(random_state, random_state_type_valid)): msg = '{0} `random_state` ({1}) is not a valid input'.format( file_msg, random_state) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `test_size` if not ((test_size > 0) and (test_size < 1.)): msg = '{0} `test_size` ({1}) must be in range (0,1)'.format( file_msg, test_size) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) ## ## Checking dimensions of `pred_arr` and `feat_arr` pred_arr = np.asarray(pred_arr) feat_arr = np.asarray(feat_arr) # Dimensions if reshape: pred_arr = gu.reshape_arr_1d(pred_arr) feat_arr = gu.reshape_arr_1d(feat_arr) # Shape if (len(pred_arr) != len(feat_arr)): msg = '{0} The shape of `pred_arr` ({1}) and `feat_arr` ({2}) must ' msg += 'have the same length' msg = msg.format(file_msg, len(pred_arr), len(feat_arr)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) ## ## Rescaling Dataset feat_arr_scaled = data_preprocessing(feat_arr, pre_opt=pre_opt, reshape=reshape) ## ## Splitting into `Training` and `Testing` datasets. # Scaled ( X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test) = skms.train_test_split( feat_arr_scaled, pred_arr, test_size=test_size, shuffle=shuffle_opt, random_state=random_state) # Not-scaled ( X_train_ns, X_test_ns, Y_train_ns, Y_test_ns) = skms.train_test_split( feat_arr, pred_arr, test_size=test_size, shuffle=shuffle_opt, random_state=random_state) ## ## Assigning `training` and `testing` datasets to dictionaries train_dict = { 'X_train': X_train, 'Y_train': Y_train, 'X_train_ns': X_train_ns, 'Y_train_ns': Y_train_ns} test_dict = {'X_test': X_test, 'Y_test': Y_test, 'X_test_ns': X_test_ns, 'Y_test_ns': Y_test_ns} return train_dict, test_dict
# Scoring methods
[docs]def scoring_methods(truth_arr, feat_arr=None, pred_arr=None, model=None, score_method='perc', threshold=0.1, perc=0.9): """ Determines the overall score for given arrays, i.e. the `predicted` array and the `truth` array Parameters ----------- truth_arr : `numpy.ndarray` or array-like, shape (n_samples, n_outcomes) Array consisting of the `true` values for the `n_samples` observations. The dimensions of `truth_arr` are `n_samples` by `n_outcomes`, where `n_samples` is the number of observations, and `n_outcomes` the number of predicted outcomes. feat_arr : `numpy.ndarray`, array-like, or `NoneType`, shape (n_samples, n_features) Array consisting of the `predicted values`. The dimensions of `feat_arr` are `n_samples` by `n_features`, where `n_samples` is the number of observations, and `n_features` the number of features used. This variable is set to `None` by default. pred_arr : `numpy.ndarray`, array-like, or `NoneType`, shape (n_samples, n_outcomes) Array of predicted values from `feat_arr`. If ``model == None``, this variable must be an array-like object. If ``model != None``, this variable will not be used, and will be calculated using the `model` object. This variable is set to `None` by default. model : scikit-learn model object or `NoneType` Model used to estimate the score if ``score_method == 'model_score'`` This variable is set to `None` by default. score_method : {'perc', 'threshold', 'model_score', 'r2'} `str`, optional Type of scoring to use when determining how well an algorithm is performing. Options: - 'perc' : Use percentage and rank-ordering of the values - 'threshold' : Score based on diffs of `threshold` or less from true value. - 'model_score' : Out-of-the-box metod from `sklearn` to determine success. - 'r2': R-squared statistic for error calcuation. threshold : float, optional Value to use when calculating the error within `threshold` value from the truth. This variable is set to `0.1` by default. perf : float, optional Value used when determining score within some `perc` percentile value form [0,1]. Returns ----------- method_score : float Overall score from `pred_arr` to predict `truth_arr`. Notes ----------- For more information on how to pre-process your data, see ``_. """ file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__) ## Checking input parameters # `feat_arr` feat_arr_type_valid = (list, np.ndarray, type(None)) if not (isinstance(feat_arr, feat_arr_type_valid)): msg = '{0} `feat_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format( file_msg, type(feat_arr)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `truth_arr` truth_arr_type_valid = (list, np.ndarray) if not (isinstance(truth_arr, truth_arr_type_valid)): msg = '{0} `truth_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format( file_msg, type(truth_arr)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `score_method` - Type score_method_type_valid = (str) if not (isinstance(score_method, score_method_type_valid)): msg = '{0} `score_method` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format( file_msg, type(score_method)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `score_method` - Value score_method_valid = ['perc', 'threshold', 'model_score', 'r2'] if not (score_method in score_method_valid): msg = '{0} `score_method` ({1}) is not a valid input!'.format( file_msg, score_method) raise LSSUtils_Error(score_method) # `threshold` - Type threshold_valid = (float, int) if not (isinstance(threshold, threshold_valid)): msg = '{0} `threshold` ({1}) is not a valid input type'.format( file_msg, type(threshold)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `threshold` - Value if not (threshold >= 0.): msg = '{0} `threshold` ({1}) must be larger than 0!'.format( file_msg, threshold) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) ## ## Checking for `model`, `pred_arr` and `feat_arr` # If both are none if ((model is None) and (pred_arr is None)): msg = '{0} `model` and `pred_arr` cannot both be `None`. ' msg += 'Only one can be `None`' msg = msg.format(file_msg) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # If `feat_arr` and `pred_arr` are `None` if ((feat_arr is None) and (pred_arr is None)): msg = '{0} `feat_arr` and `pred_arr` cannot both be `None`'.format( file_msg) raise TypeError(msg) # `pred_arr` - Type # If both are `None` pred_arr_valid = ((list, np.ndarray)) if (model is None): if not (isinstance(pred_arr, pred_arr_valid)): msg = '{0} `pred_arr` ({1}) is not a valid input type!'.format( file_msg, type(pred_arr)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) ## ## Choosing scoring method # Percentile method if (score_method == 'perc'): # Checking for `pred_arr` if (pred_arr is None): pred_arr = model.predict(feat_arr) # Checking for `model` if (model is None): pred_arr = np.asarray(pred_arr) # Error calcualtion pred_err = np.abs(pred_arr - truth_arr) method_score = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(pred_err, 100. * perc) # Threshold method if (score_method == 'threshold'): # Checking for `pred_arr` if (pred_arr is None): pred_arr = model.predict(feat_arr) # Checking for `model` if (model is None): pred_arr = np.asarray(pred_arr) # Error calcualtion pred_err = np.abs(pred_arr - truth_arr) pred_thresh = len(pred_err[pred_err <= threshold]) method_score = pred_thresh / len(pred_arr) # R-squared method if (score_method == 'r2'): # Checking for `pred_arr` if (pred_arr is None): pred_arr = model.predict(feat_arr) # Checking for `model` if (model is None): pred_arr = np.asarray(pred_arr) # Error calcualtion method_score = skmetrics.r2_score(truth_arr, pred_arr) # Model method if (score_method == 'model_score'): method_score = model.score(feat_arr, truth_arr) return method_score