Source code for cosmo_utils.mock_catalogues.shmr_funcs

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Victor Calderon
# Created      : 2018-05-14
# Last Modified: 2018-05-14
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__author__     = ['Victor Calderon']
__copyright__  = ["Copyright 2018 Victor Calderon"]
__email__      = ['']
__maintainer__ = ['Victor Calderon']
__all__        = [  "Behroozi_relation"]

## Import modules
import numpy as np
from   cosmo_utils.utils             import file_utils as fd
from   cosmo_utils.custom_exceptions import LSSUtils_Error

## Functions

## Retrieves default values for Behroozie et al. (2013)
def _retrieve_Behroozi_default_dict():
    Dictionary of default values of all model parameters set to the
    column 2 values in Table 2 of Behroozi et al. (2013)

    d : `dict`
        Dictionary containing default parameters for the Stellar-Halo
        Mass relation of Behroozi et al. (2013)

    All calculations are done internally ising the same h=0.7 units as
    in Behroozi ete al. (2010), ['arXiv:1001.0015'] so the parameter values
    here are the same as in Table 2, even though the `mean_log_halo_mass`
    and `mean_stellar_mass` methods use accept and return arguments in
    h=1 units.
    ## Main dictionary
    d = ({'smhm_m0_0': 10.72,
        'smhm_m0_a': 0.59,
        'smhm_m1_0': 12.35,
        'smhm_m1_a': 0.3,
        'smhm_beta_0': 0.43,
        'smhm_beta_a': 0.18,
        'smhm_delta_0': 0.56,
        'smhm_delta_a': 0.18,
        'smhm_gamma_0': 1.54,
        'smhm_gamma_a': 2.52})

    return d

## Behroozi SHMR function
[docs]def Behroozi_relation(log_mstar, z=0., return_mhalo_h0=False, mstar_h0=False): """ Returns the halo mass of a central galaxy as a function of its stellar mass. Parameters ----------- log_mstar : `float` ,`np.ndarray`, or array-like Value or array of values of base-10 logarithm of stellar mass in h=1 solar mass units. z : int, float, `np.ndarray` or array-like Redshift of the halo hosting the galaxy. If passing an array, it must be of the same length as the input `log_mstar`. return_mhalo_h0 : `bool`, optional If True, the function returns the halo masses in ``h=1`` units. This variable is set to False by default. mstar_h0 : `bool`, optional If True, the stellar mass in `log_mstar` is converted from ``h=1`` units to ``h=0.7`` units. This variable is set to False by default. Returns ----------- log_halo_mass : float or `np.ndarray` Array or float containing 10-base logarithm of halo mass in ``h=1`` solar mass units. Notes ---------- The parameter values in Behroozi+10 were fit to data assuming ``h=0.7``, but all halotools inputs are in ``h=1`` units. Thus we will transform our input stellar mass to ``h=0.7`` units, evaluate using the Behroozi parameters, and then transform back to ``h=1`` units before returning the result. """ file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__) little_h = 0.7 ## Checking input parameters # `log_mstar` mstar_valid_types = (int, float, np.ndarray, list) if not (isinstance(log_mstar, mstar_valid_types)): msg = '{0} `log_mstar` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format( file_msg, type(log_mstar)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `z` z_valid_types = (int, float, np.ndarray, list) if not (isinstance(z, z_valid_types)): msg = '{0} `z` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format( file_msg, type(z)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `return_mhalo_h0` return_mhalo_h0_valid_types = (bool) if not (isinstance(return_mhalo_h0, return_mhalo_h0_valid_types)): msg = '{0} `return_mhalo_h0` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format( file_msg, type(return_mhalo_h0)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `mstar_h0` mstar_h0_valid_types = (bool) if not (isinstance(mstar_h0, mstar_h0_valid_types)): msg = '{0} `mstar_h0` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format( file_msg, type(mstar_h0)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) ## ## Behroozi dictionary param_dict = _retrieve_Behroozi_default_dict() ## Converting from different `h` units if mstar_h0: mstar = (10**log_mstar)/(little_h**2) else: mstar = 10.**(log_mstar) # Scale factor a = 1./(1. + z) ## ## Behroozi function logm0 = param_dict['smhm_m0_0'] + param_dict['smhm_m0_a']*(a - 1) m0 = 10.**logm0 logm1 = param_dict['smhm_m1_0'] + param_dict['smhm_m1_a']*(a - 1) beta = param_dict['smhm_beta_0'] + param_dict['smhm_beta_a']*(a - 1) delta = param_dict['smhm_delta_0'] + param_dict['smhm_delta_a']*(a - 1) gamma = param_dict['smhm_gamma_0'] + param_dict['smhm_gamma_a']*(a - 1) # stellar_mass_by_m0 = mstar/m0 term3_numerator = (stellar_mass_by_m0)**delta term3_denominator = 1. + (stellar_mass_by_m0)**(-gamma) log_halo_mass = logm1 + beta*np.log10(stellar_mass_by_m0) log_halo_mass += (term3_numerator/term3_denominator) - 0.5 # convert back from h=0.7 to h=1 and return the result if return_mhalo_h0: return np.log10((10.**log_halo_mass)*little_h) else: return log_halo_mass