Source code for cosmo_utils.utils.stats_funcs

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Victor Calderon
# Created      : 2018-04-28
# Last Modified: 2018-04-28
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__author__     = ['Victor Calderon']
__copyright__  = ["Copyright 2018 Victor Calderon"]
__email__      = ['']
__maintainer__ = ['Victor Calderon']
__all__        = [  "myceil",
Set of statistical functions

## Import modules
import math
import numpy as np
from   cosmo_utils.utils             import file_utils as fd
from   cosmo_utils.custom_exceptions import LSSUtils_Error

## Functions

# Upper-bound values
[docs]def myceil(x, base=10): """ Determines the upper-bound interger for a given number with a given base. Parameters ---------- x : float Number to be approximated to closest number to `base` base : float Base used to calculate the closest largest number Returns ---------- y : float Closest float number to `x`, i.e. upper-bound float Examples ---------- >>> myceil(12, 10) 20.0 >>> myceil(12.05, 1.) 13.0 >>> myceil(12.05, 0.5) 12.5 """ y = float(base * math.ceil(float(x)/base)) return y
## Lower-bound values
[docs]def myfloor(x, base=10): """ Determines the lower-bound interger for a given number with a given base. Parameters ---------- x : float Number to be approximated to closest number to `base` base : float Base used to calculate the closest largest number Returns ---------- y : float Closest float number to `x`, i.e. upper-bound float Examples ---------- >>> myfloor(12, 10) 10.0 >>> myfloor(12.05, 1.) 12.0 >>> myfloor(12.05, 0.2) 12.0 """ y = float(base * math.floor(float(x)/base)) return y
## Generation of bins evenly spaced out
[docs]def Bins_array_create(arr, base=10, return_tuple=False): """ Generates an evenly-spaced array between the minimum and maximum value of a given array, Parameters ---------- arr : array_like Array of of numbers or floats base : `int` or `float`, optional Interval used to create the evenly-spaced array of elements return_tuple : `bool`, optional If `True`, the function returns a set of tuples for each bin. This variable is set to `False` by default. Returns ---------- bins_arr : `numpy.ndarray` Array of elements separated in intervals of `base` """ file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__) # Transforming input data base = float(base) arr = np.asarray(arr) # Checking array dimensions if arr.ndim != 1: msg = '{0} The input array is not of dimension 1, but of `{1}`'.format( file_msg, arr.ndim) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # Creating evenly-spaced array arr_min = myfloor(arr.min(), base=base) arr_max = myceil(arr.max(), base=base) bins_arr = np.arange(arr_min, arr_max + 0.5*base, base) # Creating tuple if necessary if return_tuple: bins_arr_mod = (np.array([[bins_arr[ii], bins_arr[ii+1]] for ii in range(len(bins_arr) - 1)])) return_obj = bins_arr_mod else: return_obj = bins_arr return return_obj
## Calculations of percentiles and sigmas
[docs]def sigma_calcs(data_arr, type_sigma='std', perc_arr=[68., 95., 99.7], return_mean_std=False): """ Calcualates the 1-, 2-, and 3-sigma ranges for `data_arr` Parameters ----------- data_arr : `numpy.ndarray`, shape( param_dict['nrpbins'], param_dict['itern_tot']) array of values, from which to calculate percentiles or St. Dev. type_sigma : {'perc', 'std'} string, optional (default = 'std') Option for calculating either `percentiles` or `standard deviations` - 'perc': calculates percentiles - 'std' : uses standard deviations as 1-, 2-, and 3-sigmas perc_arr : array_like, optional (default = [68., 95., 99.7]) Array of percentiles to calculate return_mean_std : `bool`, optional (default = False) Option for returning mean and St. Dev. along with `sigma_dict` Return ---------- sigma_dict: python dicitionary dictionary containg the 1-, 2-, and 3-sigma upper and lower ranges for `data-arr` mark_mean: array_like array of the mean value of `data_arr`. Only returned if `return_mean_std == True` mark_std: array_like array of the St. Dev. value of `data_arr`. Only returned if `return_mean_std == True` """ file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__) ## Checking input variables # `data_arr` data_arr_valid_types = (np.ndarray, list) if not (isinstance(data_arr, data_arr_valid_types)): msg = '{0} `data_arr` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format( file_msg, type(data_arr)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) else: data_arr = np.asarray(data_arr) # `type_sigma` type_sigma_valid = ['perc', 'std'] if not (isinstance(type_sigma, str)): msg = '{0} `type_sigma` ({1}) is not a valid type!'.format( file_msg, type(type_sigma)) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) if not (type_sigma in type_sigma_valid): msg = '{0} `type_sigma` ({1}) is not a valid input choice!'.format( file_msg, type_sigma) ## Determining if the object is a list of list or not data_arr_type = [[] for x in range(len(data_arr))] arr_type = (np.ndarray, list) # Checking type of input parameter for zz, data_zz in enumerate(data_arr): data_arr_type[zz] = isinstance(data_zz, arr_type) # Choosing axis if (all([(zz == True) for zz in data_arr_type])): # If `data_arr` is a list of lists list_opt = True # Checking data dimension if (data_arr.ndim == 1): # Array of multiple elements in each bin ax_opt = True else: # Same number of elements in each bin ax_opt = False else: # If `data_arr` is a 1D array list_opt = False # Checking data dimension if (data_arr.ndim == 1): ax_opt = False else: msg = '{0} Invalid input of `data_arr`'.format(file_msg) raise TypeError(msg) # Determining `mean` and `standard deviation` if list_opt: # If different number of elements in each bin if ax_opt: # Number of bins in `data_arr` nbins = len(data_arr) # Calculating statistics mark_mean = np.zeros(nbins) * np.nan mark_std = np.zeros(nbins) * np.nan # Calculating `mean` and `stdev` for each bin for ii, data_ii in enumerate(data_arr): mark_mean[ii] = np.nanmean(data_ii, axis=0) mark_std [ii] = np.nanstd( data_ii, axis=0) else: # Calculating `mean` and `stdev` for each bin mark_mean = np.nanmean(data_arr, axis=1) mark_std = np.nanstd( data_arr, axis=1) else: # When dealing with a 1D array mark_mean = np.nanmean(data_arr, axis=0) mark_std = np.nanstd( data_arr, axis=0) # ## Determining errors in each bin # Creating dictionary for saving `sigma`s sigma_dict = {ii: [] for ii in range(len(perc_arr))} # Using percentiles to estimate errors if (type_sigma == 'perc'): # If `data_arr` is a list if list_opt: # If different number of elements in each bin if ax_opt: # Number of bins in `data_arr` nbins = len(data_arr) # Looping over sigma values for zz, perc_zz in enumerate(perc_arr): # Defining lower and upper ranges mark_lims = np.zeros((nbins, 2)) * np.nan # Populating lower and upper limits for ii, data_ii in enumerate(data_arr): perc_lims = [50 - (perc_zz/2.), 50 + (perc_zz/2.)] mark_lower = np.nanpercentile(data_ii, perc_lims[0]) mark_upper = np.nanpercentile(data_ii, perc_lims[1]) # Saving to `mark_lims` mark_lims[ii] = [mark_lower, mark_upper] # Saving to `sigma_dict` sigma_dict[zz] = mark_lims.T else: # If same number of elements in each bin # Looping over sigma values for zz, perc_zz in enumerate(perc_arr): perc_lims = [50 - (perc_zz/2.), 50 + (perc_zz/2.)] mark_lower = np.nanpercentile(data_arr, perc_lims[0], axis=1) mark_upper = np.nanpercentile(data_arr, perc_lims[1], axis=1) mark_lims = np.column_stack((mark_lower, mark_upper)) # Saving to dictionary sigma_dict[zz] = mark_lims.T else: # Looping over sigma's for zz, perc_zz in enumerate(perc_arr): perc_lims = [50 - (perc_zz/2.), 50 + (perc_zz/2.)] mark_lower = np.nanpercentile(data_arr, perc_lims[0], axis=0) mark_upper = np.nanpercentile(data_arr, perc_lims[1], axis=0) mark_lims = np.column_stack((mark_lower, mark_upper))[0] # Saving to dictionary sigma_dict[zz] = mark_lims # Using standard deviation to estimate errors if (type_sigma == 'std'): # Number of bins in `perc_arr` nperc = len(perc_arr) # Looping over St. Dev. ranges for zz in range(nperc): mark_lower = mark_mean - (mark_std * (zz + 1)) mark_upper = mark_mean + (mark_std * (zz + 1)) # Populating lower and upper limits sigma_dict[zz] = np.column_stack((mark_lower, mark_upper)).T # # Fixing values for when it's a 1D array if (not list_opt) and (not ax_opt): for zz in range(len(sigma_dict.keys())): sigma_dict[zz] = sigma_dict[zz].flatten() # # Deciding which objects to return if return_mean_std: return_obj = sigma_dict, mark_mean, mark_std else: return_obj = sigma_dict return return_obj
## Main framework for `Stats_one_arr` and `Stats_two_arr`
[docs]def Stats_one_arr(x, y, base=1., arr_len=0, arr_digit='n', statfunc=np.nanmean, bin_statval='average', return_perc=False, failval=np.nan, type_sigma='std', return_dict=False): """ Calculates statistics for 2 arrays Parameters ---------- x, y : array_like, shape(N,) Sets of elements for the 1st and 2nd observable base : float, optional Bin width in units of `x`. This variable is set to 1. by default. arr_len : int, optional Minimum number of elements in each bin of `x` arr_digit : {'n', 'y', 'o'} str, optional Option for which elements to return. Options: - 'n' : Returns `x_stat`, `y_stat`, `y_std`, `y_std_err` - 'y' : Returns `x_stat`, `y_stat`, `y_std`, `y_std_err`, `x_bins_data`, `y_bins_data` - 'o' : Returns `x_bins_data`, `y_bins_data` statfunc : {`numpy.nanmean`, `numpy.nanmedian`} statistical func, optional Numerical function used to calculate on bins of data. By default, this variable is set to `numpy.nanmean` bin_statval : {'average', 'left', 'right', 'center'} str, optional Option for where to put the bin values of `x` and `y`. By default, this variable is set to `average`, which means that the values are those of the averages of the bins in `x` and `y`. return_perc : `bool`, optional If true, it also returns the `percentiles` of the data. Last item in the return list. This variable is set to False by default. failval : `int`, `float`, `NoneType`, or `NaN`, optional This is the value used when no data is available for the bin. This is set to `numpy.nan` by default type_sigma : {'perc', 'std'} string, optional (default = 'std') Option for calculating either `percentiles` or `standard deviations`. This variable is set to `std` by default. Options: - ``perc`` : calculates percentiles - ``std`` : uses standard deviations as 1-, 2-, and 3-sigmas return_dict : `bool`, optional If `True`, the function returns a `dict` with the binned statistics and more. This variable is set to `False` by default. Returns ---------- x_stat, y_stat : array_like Binned array of elements from `x` y_std : array_like Standard deviation of the binned array in `x` y_std_err : array_like Error in the `statfunc` of `y` x_bins_data : array_like, optional Elements of `x` in each bin with spacing of `base`. Only returned if `arr_digit` == 'y' or 'o' y_bins_data : array_like, optional Elements of `y` in each bin with spacing of `base`. Only returned if `arr_digit` == 'y' or 'o' perc_lims : array_like, shape(N,3) Percentiles in each bin of `x_stat`. Only returned if `arr_digit` == 'y' or 'o' """ file_msg = fd.Program_Msg(__file__) ## Verifying input values # `arr_digit` if not ((arr_digit == 'y') or (arr_digit == 'n') or (arr_digit == 'o')): msg = '{0} `arr_digit` ({1}) is not a valid input. Exiting'.format( file_msg, arr_digit) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # Array dimensions if not ((len(x) > 0) and (len(y) > 0)): msg = '{0} The arrays `x` and `y` must have at least one value' msg = msg.format(file_msg) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) if not ((np.asarray(x).ndim == 1) and (np.asarray(y).ndim == 1)): msg = '{0} The arrays `x` and `y` must have dimension of `1`' msg = msg.format(file_msg) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `arr_len` if not (arr_len >= 0): msg = '{0} `arr_len` ({1}) must be greater or equal than zero!'.format( file_msg, arr_len) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) # `bin_statval` if not (bin_statval in ['average', 'left', 'right', 'center']): msg = '{0} `bin_statval` ({1}) is not a valid input! Exiting'.format( file_msg, bin_statval) raise LSSUtils_Error(msg) ## ## Converting arrays to numpy arrays x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) arr_len = int(arr_len - 1.) if arr_len != 0 else int(arr_len) ## ## Statistics calculations x_bins_edges = Bins_array_create(x, base=base) x_digits = np.digitize(x, x_bins_edges) - 1 # Tuple for `x_bins` x_bins = Bins_array_create(x, base=base, return_tuple=True) nbins = len(x_bins) ## ## Determining which bins to use ## These are the bins that meet the criteria of `arr_len` x_digits_bins = np.array([int(ii) for ii in range(nbins) if len(x_digits[x_digits == ii]) > arr_len]) # Running only if there is data if (len(x_digits_bins) > 0): # Elements in each bin # `x` values x_bins_data = np.array([x[x_digits == ii] for ii in x_digits_bins]) # `y` values y_bins_data = np.array([y[x_digits == ii] for ii in x_digits_bins]) # Bins that meet the `arr_len` criteria x_bins_criteria = x_bins[x_digits_bins] ## Selecting data in bins if (bin_statval == 'left'): x_stat = x_bins_criteria.T[0] elif (bin_statval == 'right'): x_stat = x_bins_criteria.T[1] elif (bin_statval == 'center'): x_stat = np.mean(x_bins_criteria, axis=1) elif (bin_statval == 'average'): x_stat = np.array([np.nanmean(ii) if (len(ii) > arr_len) else failval for ii in x_bins_data]) # Determining the values in `y` # `stat_function` y_stat = np.array([statfunc(ii) for ii in y_bins_data]) # Standard Deviation y_std = np.array([np.nanstd(ii) for ii in y_bins_data]) # Error in the mean/median y_std_err = np.array([np.nanstd(ii)/math.sqrt(len(ii)) for ii in y_bins_data]) else: x_bins_data = np.array([np.nan]) y_bins_data = np.array([np.nan]) x_bins_criteria = np.array([np.nan]) x_stat = np.array([np.nan]) y_stat = np.array([np.nan]) y_std = np.array([np.nan]) y_std_err = np.array([np.nan]) ## ## Correcting error inf `statfunc` == `numpy.nanmedian` if statfunc == np.nanmedian: y_std_err *= 1.253 ## ## Returning percentiles perc_arr_lims = sigma_calcs(y_bins_data, type_sigma=type_sigma) ## # Building dictionary xy_dict = {} xy_dict['x_stat' ] = x_stat xy_dict['y_stat' ] = y_stat xy_dict['y_std' ] = y_std xy_dict['y_std_err' ] = y_std_err xy_dict['perc_arr_lims'] = perc_arr_lims xy_dict['x_bins_data' ] = x_bins_data xy_dict['y_bins_data' ] = y_bins_data # Determine entries to return if (arr_digit == 'n'): return_val = [ 'x_stat', 'y_stat', 'y_std', 'y_std_err'] if (arr_digit == 'y'): return_val = [ 'x_stat', 'y_stat', 'y_std', 'y_std_err', 'x_bins_data', 'y_bins_data'] if (arr_digit == 'o'): return_val = [ 'x_bins_data', 'y_bins_data'] # Aggregating percentage/std info if necessary if return_perc: return_val.append('perc_arr_lims') # Determining object to return if return_dict: # Initiating dictionary with output values return_obj = {} # Populating output object for key_val in return_val: return_obj[key_val] = xy_dict[key_val] else: # Initiating output object return_obj = [[] for x in range(len(return_val))] # Populating output object for jj, key_val in enumerate(return_val): return_obj[jj] = xy_dict[key_val] return return_obj